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9 memories from when the whole country was obsessed with Desperate Housewives

Ah, the gals <3

FROM 2004 TO 2012, the world was devoted to the soapy TV show Desperate Housewives. As a nation, Ireland was particularly taken by it.

1. It was one of the last shows the whole country seemed to follow together

Source: invaderzim1414/YouTube

People who watched ahead online were considered traitors.

2. Everyone had their favourite housewife

APTOPIX TV New Season Source: AP/Press Association Images

#TeamLynette over here, TBH. Still confused about how she put up with your man Tom.

3. And would post on Facebook telling everyone how they felt about the latest episode

A typical sight on your Facebook timeline in 2012:

desperate housewives Source: Facebook

4. Tuesday nights on RTÉ were LIT

A new episode of Grey’s Anatomy followed by your Desperate Housewives? Sorted. But woe betide them if the football got in the way of it. National outcry!

5. And we were extremely smug because we got it before the UK

We’ll seriously cling on to anything in this respect.

6. Someone you know probably owned one of the Desperate Housewives hairdryers from Lidl

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Yes, there was a Desperate Housewives haircare range. In Lidl. For some reason.

7. Leaving Cert students relied upon it for relief from the tedium of study

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You’d do your bit of History or Maths or whatever then come down for the Housewives. What a treat.

8. Which caused quite a few problems when the final episode aired in 2012

Tweet by @Pádraig Source: Pádraig/Twitter

They put it on the night before the exams started. Fecking rude.

9. And despite Netflix and on demand and everything else, you’d miss the simple pleasure of sitting down to watch it

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